Monday, April 11, 2011

New Version of Money Scripts Posted

The production version of the scripts has been updated to the latest snapshot.  Thank you to everyone for testing!  There are still "opportunities for improvement", both for the scripts and for the installation/configuration help files.  I need to summarize all of the optional configuration parameters now available in sites.dat, and add to the configuration page.

You can probably guess that my time has been limited for this project, since I haven't posted much lately.  I don't see that changing through the summer months, but I'm here and will fix/add things as I can.  I expect to be mostly unavailable from around mid-May through the month of June, but will check in to see if any bad things have been reported.


  1. Hi
    I've followed your site over the last few days and tried to adopt my money 2004 program to work accepting stock and OEIC fund data. Most of my stocks are on the yahoo site so it looks promising,I'm UK based, however when it imports into money I struggle to get the prices to update. The program wants to wipe out all my stocks and therefore portfolio and that seems the only option to me. Where could i be going wrong?

  2. Thanks Robert (and Cal) for all the work you've been doing. I just downloaded this latest production version and note one glitch and some differences.

    The new glitch (this did NOT occur with the previous version): The "sending results to Money" section seems to choke if there is a "(" in the file name. I have messages:

    Sending results to Money...
    '.\xfr\CHASE_' is not recognized ...

    In each case, the underscore is followed by a "(". I'd sure appreciate it if you could fix this.

    I also see messages for downloads from Chase, USAA and Fidelity stating that:

    +Scrubber: Updating null time values.

    What does this mean?

    Finally, there is a message following some Fidelity account downloads stating:

    OFX statement is missing required section.
    ** Review .\xfr\FIDELITY20110414091004.ofx for possible clues...

    These are all investment accounts with no securities in the account -- only cash. And, unlike the Vanguard problem, Fidelity downloads have never bombed Money. Are these accounts still getting updated?



  3. Maurice:

    I'm not familiar with the Money 2004 software, and don't know much about UK configurations. Maybe a UK user can help shed some light...?

  4. Ron:

    1. To verify, you have a "(" character in your sitename? The latest version uses os.system() to send files, but this function doesn't support all Windows filename characters. I didn't consider anyone using parentheses in their sitename, but will add the "()" chars to the filter.

    2. The scrubber routine is now "verbose", telling you things it didn't previously. I can add a non-verbose user flag, but I feel it was better to show what the script is doing.

    3. The Fidelity error is probably related to the script finding an invposlist section, but not the related seclist. As there are no investments, that makes sense. I can see if I can find a logical method to pass cash-only accounts that fail this test. In the meantime, I would suspect that it will work correctly when there is an actual transaction (i.e., posting interest to the account), since that should contain a seclist entry for the money market fund, or whatever it's stored in. So... it may not matter as-is?

  5. Robert,

    I do indeed have "(" in the sitename (and, of course a ")"). It was a helpful (to me) naming method where I have multiple accounts at the same institution.

    I prefer the verbose scrubber; just didn't know what it was doing.

    I'll have to wait until the end of the month to see if the interest gets posted. But I do have one Fidelity account that is "just cash", but the cash is in the Fidelity Municipal Money Market fund -- that one does not show an error even without interest; and there is a position in FTEXX. It's some others that show the error.

    If I double click on one of the OFX file that Pocket Sense shows this error, it will import into Money with no issues; so it's probably not just the absence of in the Vanguard accounts that is causing that problem.

    Thanks again for all your work on this.

    -- Ron

  6. Still using the October versions of the scripts (haven't had time to update myself). Using Money Sunset

    Something strange started happening about 3 weeks ago. All three of my 401(k)'s (2 with Fidelity, 1 with TRowe Price) are having an issue. As far as I can tell the OXF files have all the buy transactions in them. However, when they get imported into Money, the transactions are ignored, and Money just tells me the positions don't match and asks to add the new units.

    All three were working fine with the scripts previously. Any one experiencing the same thing, or have any suggestions?

  7. Carlos: Not that it will help, but I highly recommend installing the latest scripts. Some of the changes were new additions, but there were also a number of bug patches.

    Are you certain the transactions are missing in Money? I've seen the same with Vanguard before. Transactions import incorrectly, then get ignored. By default, Money ignores duplicate transactions, or those that it "thinks" are duplicates. If I delete transactions in Money and then repeat, it accepts them again.

  8. Robert - I installed the new scripts and I still have the problem (worked great in all other aspects). Bizarre that it is only happening on the 3 401(k)s (and in all 3) Transactions are definitely not in Money. And Money recognizes the positions don't match (no doh! it is missing the buy transactions) and helpfully volunteers to add shares.

  9. I tried some additional debugging, to no avail. I changed the account number in the OXF to force a "remarrying" of the file to the account. Money again told me that the positions didn't match my account and offer to update them, but ignored all of the transactions in the file.

    I then changed the account number again, and this time I married it to a brand new virgin account. Again, none of the transactions were imported, just the total positions.

    I'm looking at the OXF and I can definetly see the transactions:

    My regular investment accounts seem to be updating fine (at least they did 3/31 when dividends were paid out). I just did a purchase in one of them, so I should know tomorrow if it downloads OK. But for now, it appears the problem is just with the 401(k) accounts.

  10. I've also tried deleting the statement from Money. Deleting ALL transactions that are in that statement, and reimporting the statement. No love. All I get from Money is the notification that my positions don't match the statement that was downloaded. I'm running out of ideas.

  11. Carlos: I don't download any 401K accounts myself, so I'm not sure what is different. Is it defined as a 401K in Money? Have you tried creating a non-401K investment account, and connecting the ofx download to it? Does it still skip transactions?

  12. Latest (unsuccessful!) debugging:
    1) Edit the OXF file to change FITIDs, since clients are supposed to use those to identify transactions. No love.
    2) Created new investment account (not marked as retirement or 401k). Imported the statement. No luck. Only positions show up.
    3) To see if I was crazy - changed account number on one of my regular investment OXF files and matched it with the new investment account. Transactions imported!

    So - it appears to be something unique about the transactions in the bad OXF files. No clue what, though.

  13. Carlos: Do you have any special settings in the sites.dat file for these accounts (appid, appver ... etc.?). Are there any scrubber messages for these files?

  14. 401K is a later addition to the OFX specs, and I think it just provides value data, at least in some cases. I don't know why a 401K account would be this way, but it is common for 401K holders to get less detail than other types of holders. :-(

    (I had missed the roll-over to the new thread. I had thought things just got quiet).

  15. Robert and Carlos....

    I also have a Fidelity account and while I was doing extensive tests using pocketsense and money in parallel, I came across the same problem.

    If I used money to update the account, the cash type transactions usually got marked as :Reinvest Interest or Dividend". When using pocketsense, It got flagged as a buy if I let money adjust positions. I would then manually change the buy to reinvest interest.

    I will try to go back and see if I can find the ofx input files I saved from each method. I am pretty sure that they were much the same or I would have alerted Robert to the difference. At the time, I attributed the difference to Money 2007.


  16. Robert,

    I don't know much about Python scripts, but is the process to "add the "()" chars to the filter" merely a matter of changing line 255 in That's the line that now reads:

    sitename = ''.join(a for a in sitename if a not in '&\/:*?"<>|')

  17. Hmm. That first character in that line should be two single quotes separated by a space. When it got posted, the space got removed.

  18. Ron: I made a couple of minor changes to the code and updated the "production" snapshot. Sitename entries with () chars should work.

  19. Robert: Thanks. It works fine with the "()" chars now. After the end of the month, I'll let you know about the interest in the Fido accounts that are showing the no SECLIST error message.

  20. any idea what's going on with AMEX accounts? They were working fine until yesterday. Now I get "An ERROR occured retrieving POST response from
    Exception type:
    Exception Val: The read operation timed out

  21. it didn't let me post the exception type.
    it is < class 'ssl.SSLError' >

  22. Nevermind the previous 2 comments. Realized that there was a problem with the AMEX site itself and had nothing to do with the scripts.

  23. I haven't had time to do additional debugging of the 401(k) issue; I'll post as soon as I have more information. I do recall that in the past, when Money updates were still alive, Money would occasionally miss transactions in the Fidelity 401(k) -- but NEVER in the T Rowe Price. The strange things is the PocketSense Scripts were working, and then stopped working.

    Cal - As far as I can tell the transaction history is in the OXF file. I will make a non-retirement investment purchase to see if I notice a difference.

    The good news, is since the data is there we may be able to scrub it!

  24. Used Money for about 15 years. Tried switching to Quickbooks - horrible, horrible, horrible, especially the customer service. Trying to use these scripts to get Money usable again.
    I have several investment accounts. I thought that if I used the scripts to update stock prices in a 'watch' account, that Money would automatically updates the values in the other accounts, but that does not appear to be happening. Is this the expected behavior?

  25. Oops - that should say Quicken, not Quickbooks.

  26. Keith: If the symbols match between the two, then the prices will update globally. Keep in mind, however, that the scripts can only provide one quote update per symbol per day. Once Money has received one for a given date, no more will be accepted for that date.

    A few issues that we've seen:

    1. Yahoo symbol different than Money symbol.
    2. Money configured for one currency, but Yahoo quotes being collected in another. Money prefixes all quotes with a currency tag, but it's hidden when "the same as the default setting in Money". If you only work in US Dollars, this is not an issue.

  27. I think I just stumbled onto something. You mention one quote update per symbol per day. I think this is what's causing the problem, even though I'm *running* the update on a different day. Because the markets were closed Friday, and today is a Saturday, the download script is still reporting the quote date as 4/21. My money file already has entries from 4/21 where I was testing out the script in the middle of the day.

    Yep, that's what is happening. I just manually deleted the 4/21 price for one of the stocks and re-ran the test quote download. It updated my Money file to include the 4/21 closing price for this stock.


  28. Robert and Carlos....

    I too have the same problem with Fidelity 401k. A friend of mine has both 401K and non 401K accoutns with Fidelity. The problem seems to be with Fidelity 401K accounts. As someone reported, all the data is there in the OFX file. All the same THANKS very much for putting this all together.

  29. Robert,

    Today I had the same problem as I reported before with some Fidelity downloads that, this time, DID have transactions.

    However, in the one case, a SECLIST section was created and PS allowed Money to import the OFX file. In the other, PS did NOT allow Money to import the OFX file, but clicking on the OFX file directly resulted in a proper import into Money.

    Looking at the OFX file, I see that in the one that PS accepted, there is a SECLIST section and the transaction appears to be a dividend. In the other, the transaction appears to be interest. In neither file are there any positions in the INVPOSLIST section.

  30. If I had a sample 401K OFX file, I could probably write a scrubber to make Money accept it. The sample should have at least one transaction, and the xxxxxxxxx (where xxxxxxxxx represents the "account ID") should be replaced in all places with 123456789. I note that my Fidelity non-401k transactions now have the account ID also starting each string, so that those same 9 characters should be replaced with 123456789.

    I could write a little account number purger script in Python, but it should be easy enough if you have a simple text editor.

    Even with the account number gone, the file would identify the value of your 401K if connected to you. Changing quantity and value numbers without hosing up the file is tricky.

  31. Ron: If you look at the two files, would the following logic have allowed both to pass to Money correctly?

    Block if a INVPOS tag exists, but SECLIST does not.

  32. If anyone wants to pass a 401k OFX file to Cal for testing, feel free to send to me and I'll pass it along. pocketsense1 /at\ gmail /.\ com. As Cal mentioned, clean it of personally identifiable data (account numbers, etc.).

  33. Robert: I think that logic is what PS is doing now. The file with the INVPOS section and a SECLIST section passed to Money.

    The file with the INVPOS section and no SECLIST section did not, even though there was a valid transaction.

  34. Ron: The current version looks for INVPOSLIST & SECLIST. You mentioned that there were no positions listed in INVPOSLIST, so that's where I was headed.

  35. Robert:

    AHA! I was confusing INVPOS tag with INVPOSLIST tag.

    Yes, I think the logic you propose would work because, it is the case in both files that there is NO INVPOS tag; so if the logic checked that, rather than checking for the INVPOSLIST tag, PS should function OK on my system.

  36. Beta posted with updated INVPOS / SECLIST filter. It would be nice if others can try it too, since it's a slightly different logic. I never felt great about the original. It was a guess / makeshift fix to a really bad problem... i.e., Money bombing. The INVPOS logic makes more sense.

  37. Robert: It seemed to work properly and did not block any uploads to Money. Of course, since I recently downloaded, there were no transactions in those accounts, so I couldn't do a "full" test. (There won't be any new transactions in those accounts until the end of the month).

    Thank you very much.

    -- Ron

  38. Thanks Ron. I looked through some test files I have to verify the INVPOS/SECLIST logic for ofx messages I *know* bombed Money, and they would all be blocked correctly. I feel better...

  39. Live production snapshot updated: 03-May-2011.

  40. Thank you very much, Robert.

  41. No doubt I am missing something. Assume I have no functional bank or investment accounts directly downloading OFX, because I live in the hinterland of Canada. All that I want to do is download stock quotes using So far I have everything set up - I can set up the stocks and mutual funds, and test works great. I can even send the data to Money after testing it, that works too. But there is something I'm missing on getting going. What is the URL that you would enter for your dummy "Tickers" account (the URL is apparently mandatory), such that actually works? Sorry if this is a dumb question; I do not claim to be adept at these things.

  42. Hazelbrae, in Money create a new investment account. Name it Quotes, for example. I don't know what currency your quotes come in as, but the currency of that account should match that of the quotes. Specify that account as the place that the Quotes OFX file downloads to.

  43. Hazelbrae: If I understand correctly, you have tested the quote download using the manual "test" feature in Did you "Enable Stock/Fund Quotes" in Setup? If they are enabled, then you should see "6. Disable Stock/Fund Quotes" on the menu. Getdata will only grab stock/fund quotes if the option is enabled.

  44. Carlos and Robert, I just started using these scripts the evening of May 3, 2011, so got the latest release. Today I got around to adding a 2 month old Fidelity taxable account. There are a dozen bonds bought in this account a month ago. So for my first download, I expected to see a dozen purchases and a few interest payments. What appeared were the few interest payments, but all the bonds were added vs bought. Fixed my entries manually and went on. But hope to see a fix one day. I'm afraid I do not have the OFX file or would send to you. Even with this defect I'm loving these scripts. I had so many issues manually tweaking Quicken each week I'll live with this and hope a fix becomes obvious to you one day. Thanks!

  45. The download interval defaults to 7 days with a new install, meaning the script requests transactions from the bank that posted within the past 7 days. Since it also grabs the statement summary, it saw you had positions (but no buy transactions)... so it added them automatically. To grab transactions from the past couple of months, set this parameter in sites.dat:

    defaultInterval: 60

  46. I am not the previous poster, but

    My default interval IS 7 days, but my Fidelity interval is 30. It does not make any difference on my system either. The statement says I have two transactions, one a dividend, and another an intrest transaction. When they import into Money, they both showed up as Add Shares. I have been using these scripts for more than a year, and it has ALWAYS acted this way. I long ago surmised that it was a Money problem since the OFX file looks proper.


  47. Thanks Ray. I'd say you are correct. The bank sends the OFX file, and we send it to Money after scrubbing for known issues. We really have no direct control over how a specific provider packages their OFX statement, or how Money decodes it's meaning.

  48. "I am not the previous poster, but" person,
    1. Is your Fidelity account a 401K? If so, there are known problems with that. See post by "I too have the same problem with Fidelity 401k" person.

    2.Are you using Money 2005 or a newer version such as Money Plus Deluxe Sunset?

  49. Quote Updates: I installed the new version of the PocketSense scripts a couple of days ago and am trying to deal with some missing quotes. This is not a new issue but something I asked about in February 27 on this blog and got some advice on what to do that I am now trying to follow for the first time. My situation is that I have some Ameritrade accounts where some of the investments do not routinely get updated quotes when I download transactions. I do not have a separate Microsoft Money quote account but have the following parameters set in Sites.dat:
    SaveTickersFirst: Yes
    SaveQuoteHistory: No
    QuoteCurrency: USD
    EnableYahooScrape: Yes
    YahooTimeZone: -5:EST
    ShowQuoteHTM: YES
    AskQuoteHTM: NO
    This is for funds rather than bonds, and Yahoo seems to recognize all of the symbols when I look them up on I am not getting any error messages, but I also am not getting any updated quotes. Any advice?

  50. I meant to say this is for funds rather than stocks. Is there a way to update my post?

  51. Regarding the dialog box that money puts up after each OFX import, I finally got around to using Spy++ on it and determined what it needed to clear.
    Here's sources for a small app I wrote to watch for the dialog box and "push the button" over and over again until it can't find one for 90 seconds.
    It needs work to make it more configurable, but the core part is the FindWindow and PostMessage logic; if there is some python extensions to access these Windows API, then the script could manage it directly, otherwise, running an .EXE from this code before starting the Python script will do the trick.

    // MoneyImportResponder.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

    #include "stdafx.h"

    #define STR_MONEY_IMPORT TEXT("Import a file")
    #define INITIAL_WAIT 30
    #define INTERVAL_DELAY 2
    #define IDLE_TIMEOUT 90

    #define SEC_TO_MSEC(x) ((x) * 1000)
    #define MSEC_TO_SEC(x) ((x) / 1000)

    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    HWND hwndMoneyDlg;
    DWORD dwIdleStart;

    printf("Waiting %d seconds to start", INITIAL_WAIT);

    dwIdleStart = GetTickCount();
    while (GetTickCount() - dwIdleStart < SEC_TO_MSEC(IDLE_TIMEOUT))
    printf ("Looking for Dialog: '%ls'...\r\n", STR_MONEY_IMPORT);
    hwndMoneyDlg = FindWindow(NULL, STR_MONEY_IMPORT);
    if (hwndMoneyDlg != NULL)
    printf("Dialog found!\r\n");
    PostMessage(hwndMoneyDlg, WM_COMMAND, 2, 0); // Simulate pressing OK button
    dwIdleStart = GetTickCount();
    printf("No dialog found. Idle %d\r\n", (DWORD)(MSEC_TO_SEC(GetTickCount() - dwIdleStart)));
    printf ("Waiting %d seconds\r\n", INTERVAL_DELAY);

    return 0;

  52. PHWhite:

    1. Enable stock/fund quotes in Setup.
    2. Create a quote account, and associate the stock/fund quotes with it on first import.
    3. Make sure the Yahoo symbols and currency match the Money symbols and currency. If not, you can define an alternate symbol when passing the results to Money. See the script revision history ( for a description of how this works.

  53. Thanks for the C code George. Something to play with, and possibly integrate into the scripts :)

  54. Until Robert folds the code into PocketSense, Hung Le has incorporated the Java equivalent of George's code into his Java app that will auto-click the Import dialogs from PocketSense into Money as long as the app is open. It works great and I encourage Robert to incorporate George's code. See for more.

  55. Quote Updates: I seem to have gotten this working but I live in the Pacific timezone so am wondering whether I should use the default YahooTimeZone: -5:EST. Other than this question everything was straight forward. Thanks for the advice.

  56. Credit Card Transaction Download Options: I have a Capital One Mastercard and a Visa credit card issued by US Bank. Capital One offers OFX file downloads if you log in to the Capital One web site but does not support OFX file downloads for financial management software. US Bank also offers OFX file downloads by logging in but has a monthly charge for OFX file downloads via financial management software. Are there any reasonable free options for transaction downloads for these two credit cards?

  57. PHWhite: Try it with the -5:EST setting and see if your quotes post with the right dates (i.e., the same dates shown on the Yahoo Finance site itself). Can't help on the credit card issue.

  58. I'm the May 11, 2011 6:11pm poster. FYI, I had the interval set for 150 days. Noticed the later posts that day indicating this may be a Money issue. If/when I see this again I'll take a closer look at the OFX file.

    On another note I've had a couple of interesting experiences with quotes/updates that someone else may appreciate. I had one "stock" symbol classified as a "mutual fund" in the MS-Money Details section for that symbol. Additionally, had one "mutual fund" symbol classified as a "stock" too. You have to get that straight in order to receieve quotes/updates properly. One of these instances caused a "no define transaction" to be added to the account as the security name, but without a symbol, and the quoted price was for the poor stock that was classified as a mutual fund. Fixed by simply changing security type in the details section. It's embarrassing but easily remedied.

  59. I've been absent, but now that I'm checking in I see that there haven't been any comments in a long while. I take that to be a good thing.

  60. I have a Capital One direct banking account. It was working fine till the last few days. Now everytime I download the OFX, I get a general error message

  61. Robert,
    Thank you so very much for this great product. I have been a MS Money user forever, with account transactions dating back to 2001. This download process works perfectly and I could not be happier!!!

    I do have one question though regarding the "updated" date that shows in the "Favorite Accounts" list. This date was updated by MS Money whenever it did the automated update. Is there anyway that the data upload can update that date to show when the last update was done?

    Again, great work - very impressive indeed. I also saw in your base profile that you are from TN - What part? I was raised just north of Nashville, but live in California now.


    Bob H.

  62. Bob: We don't have access to specific parameters/dates/lists inside Money (e.g., "favorite accounts"). The scripts use the Money OFX import routines, but we have no way to directly control how the "importer" handles the data internally.

    I'm located in East TN... near Knoxville. I appreciate the positive feedback!

  63. Has anyone else been getting garbled quotes? I believe it started last Friday for me and now I get random trashed quotes dated 1/1/1970 on two or three of my downloded stocks.

  64. Thanks for the catch... yes, some of my quotes are garbled too. I'll check into it.

  65. Just ran a test with inconsistent results. 2 out of 3 identical requests to the Yahoo server for their own symbol (YHOO) returned "correct" data, and one returned "junk". Definitely on the Yahoo end... so we'll wait to see if they "fix" it.

  66. I haven't seen the quote errors in a while. Assuming it was a temporary glitch with Yahoo (?).

  67. Bob,
    Hope you're havin' a good summer. Yes, Yahoo has been fixed. Here's a summary of that and other recent developments this month...

    -Dan (ameridan)

  68. Well... I finally got around to replacing the old XP home computer. The new one is running Windows 7 64 bit, so I was curious as to how Money would run. I downloaded the Money Sunset edition and the install went fine. When first starting, it threw up a dialog in a foreign language (or something that appeared Arabic), which I couldn't read. I assume that this was some type of "agreement" to use the software without warranty. I clicked on the left button (again, I couldn't read the two... but figured it was a 50/50 shot at being "agree"). It was the correct pick. The Money screen appeared in fine English.

    I installed the 64 bit version of ActivePython 2.7, and tested the Pocketsense Setup routine. It worked. Lastly, I tested Getdata on the new system with my old files. It seemed to work as expected, so all looks well (so far). Just thought I'd post a status report for my initial venture into using the scripts with Money Sunset on a 64 bit Windows 7 machine.

  69. Good to hear! Seems like I recall 64-bit issues for many Money users, so perhaps it has more to do with administrative permissions.

  70. Re: admin permissions. That's possible. I have configured this machine to operate with "least user privs", even for the account that I personally use for routine work. The install was performed with admin priv (of course), but the actual "use of Money" is being performed with minimal privs.

    I suspect that many folks don't have a firm grasp of user privs and how the OS handles those (?), so that could lead to issues. So long as they put the scripts and their Money data file into their own "my documents" tree, they should be fine. Otherwise, they would need to assign permissions to wherever else they chose to put it. My opinion is that it is best to keep with the Windows default user tree structure whenever possible, rather than trying to add unique root trees (folders). For Vista and Win7, this means placing personal files (including the Money data file and PocketSense scripts) somewhere into their \Users\UserName\... tree.

  71. I should have also posted: I've been using the system for a few more days now, and have used most features of Money, just to play around. Everything has worked well so far. The scripts are working exactly as they should, so it's looking good.

  72. Hi, I'm from Sri Lanka & does not have much knowledge on programming. I use Microsoft money & used to update my stock prices manually as CSE (Colombo Stock Exchange) is not available with MSN finance.

    Since has CSE listed (ex - NTB.N0000:CSE) I would like to update stock prices in Money automatically via site.

    Can someone please help me with the coding?

  73. Watch your data for Dow Jones Industrials from YaHoo. Looks like it is messed up/missing again!


  74. ^DJI2MN seems to be working for the Dow Jones. Who knows how long it will work for....

  75. Just how messed up is YaHoo!

    Yes, ^DJI2MN returns the quote with the ticker symbol of ^DJI2MN. Thanks for that Carlos.

    ^DJI or should I say INDU is also working correctly???? at this time. If you request ticker symbol ^DJI, YaHoo returns nothing, BUT if you request INDU, Yahoo returns the quote with the ticker symbol of ^DJI. Seems a little confusing.

    Makes one wonder what ticker symbol ^DJI2MN really means.

    Either way, I am glad I do not have to rely on YaHoo at this time. I just keep testing this software for the day I may really need it. Keep up the good work Robert.


  76. That is DJI 2-minute update. I think that means that it is not realtime, and it may or may not be further delayed by Yahoo. I don't know. If it mattered, I would try it out during market hours.

    Cal Learner

  77. Trying to set up accounts for Boeing Employees Credit Union, I get "BECU does not have a BANKID value defined." error. But no bankid is given on the OFX site. How do I find it?

  78. This works for me...

    SiteName : BECU
    AcctType : BASTMT
    fiorg : becu
    fid : 325081403
    url :
    bankid : 325081403
    brokerid :
    appid :
    appver :

  79. When I try it with the fid you give, I get:

    "local variable 'query' referenced before assignment
    An online error occurred when testing the new account."

    When I try it with the fid I find in a downloaded .ofx from my bank, I get an error, and looking in the xfr folder and examining the .ofx there, I find, "The user cannot signon because of invalid user ID or password."

    In both cases, I am using the identical user ID and password I use to sign on and download manually. (I triple-checked this.)

    Any ideas what I should try next?

  80. IIRC, there was a detail about reformatting your password entry format: if you use "PassWord" try "password" ;)

  81. I converted George's code to Python as he suggested. It adds logging to a file named PopDown1.log to the current directory. I had tried do also handle the error pop-up, but that is a problem; it's title bar says "Microsoft Money" which matches the program itself. If I knew the class name for that pop-up, I think I could do the addition. I also have a batch file to launch this program plus the That is invoked with a Windows scheduled task at 4:30 AM on my computer. I expect to post that if there is interest. I will be doing further testing.
    #import os, sys, glob, time
    import time
    import win32gui as w32
    from win32con import *

    if __name__=="__main__":

    STR_MONEY_IMPORT = "Import a file"

    LogString="" #we will append character for each window find...

    print("Waiting %d seconds to start" % INITIAL_WAIT);
    IdleTime = 0 # will count up
    while IdleTime < IDLE_TIMEOUT:

    hwndMoneyDlg=w32.FindWindow(None, "Import a file") #normal import
    if (hwndMoneyDlg != 0):
    print ("Did find normal import window.")

    IdleTime = 0 #reset idle timeout
    LogString+= '+' #log a successful find
    w32.PostMessage(hwndMoneyDlg, WM_COMMAND, 2, 0); #Push OK button
    print ("%2d seconds without new pop-up found." % IdleTime)
    IdleTime += INTERVAL_DELAY

    print ("Log string = "+ LogString) #will go to log file...
    localtime = time.asctime( time.localtime(time.time()) )
    logfile= open("PopDown1.log",'a') # open in current directory
    logfile.write( "PopDown1: "+localtime+ "; "+ LogString +"\n")
    #Cal Learner

  82. I forgot the leading spaces, which are critical in Python, get lost. I made some tweaks, and put the files into file at

    Note PS_Day1.txt and PS_Day1.rtf are the same, except for the format.

    Cal Learner

  83. available at

    Pops BOTH download error and import complete error pop-up windows. Logs to PopDown2.log in current directory.

    "+++X+" string in log says 3 normal, one error and one more normal pop-ups were detected in that order.

    Cal Learner

  84. Oops again... New link at

    Corrected version has this first line:
    # 2011/11/11 rev2 Cal Learner

    Cal Learner

  85. Cal: You may want to add a link to some info about the program. I don't recall it being discussed here (?). It looks like a routine to handle the import dialog in Money (?).

  86. Anyone else suddenly loose Chase downlinks? Looks like the server doesn't even exist any more!
    Old server was A DNS look up failed, so it a appears the server has disappeared.

  87. Never mind! Upon looking at old emails, I realized I overlooked one where they told me the service would be down.... Strange that the server has disappeared altogether from the DNS, but hopefully by later today it will be back.

  88. Robert: it's a variation on George's program, discussed above, converted from C to Python as he suggested. It's purpose is to push the OK button for you for both the normal pop-up you get for each OFX that gets fed to Money, plus it hits OK for the occasional download error window.

    I have a zip file with some files and some documentation. The purpose of the files in general is to use a batch file to invoke PocketSense's and to push the OK buttons for you automatically. I schedule the at about 4:30 each night using the Windows scheduler. I provide a link to an article on using the scheduler in the .txt and .rtf files in the zip file. That zip file uses, which does the same thing, but it does not deal with the error situation. The zip file is called file and it is at

    Note description files in the zip file, PS_Day1.txt and PS_Day1.rtf, are the same, except for the format. can be substituted for to add the extra function.

    If there are any questions or problems etc, I would be glad to try to address them. I have my home computer collecting data as I am away this week, so I will check the results of that when I get back home late in the week. Seems to be working well. I made some changes for myself, but I think the zip file that exists works fine already.

    One thing I am going to change the next time I post a zip file with stuff is to only have the batch file that is intended to run daily rather than also having a variation that acts only on Saturday. I realized that somebody can schedule a task to run each week, so my batch file did not have to do it's own checking for that.

    Cal Learner

  89. Carlos, I also lost Chase downloads. Do you think they "improved" the service by deleting it? I would love to have them back!


  90. Purpose of PopDown2 is to push the OK buttons for you. Can be used for manual or automatic running of file at (no sign in needed) has explanation and example batch file, but it only uses -- a version that handles only the normal pop-up. PopDown2 handles the normal and occasional error pop-ups.

    Longer explanation disappeared overnight.

    Cal Learner.

  91. Cal,

    Thanks a lot for PopDown2! It works like a charm and makes downloading faster!


  92. Cal,

    Thanks for PopDown2! I incorporated it into my webpage addon for PocketSense rather than using bat file and it works great behind the scenes.

    Dan (ameridan)

  93. I am glad it is useful. One flaw is that if Money is not open, it just keeps thinking that there is a continual download error. Thus the log file for that date would build with an 'X' every two seconds until manual intervention shut it down. I did that when I manually accidentally started a batch file on my laptop before starting Money. I may implement a timeout after maybe 20 successive apparent errors to accommodate the unattended case. Or I could specifically check to see if Money is open; and then print a message, log the fact and return(1) if Money is not already open. That might be a version.

    The invoking script (program or batch file) could check to see if Money is already open and display a message if it is not. Alternatively the invoking script could check and open Money if it is not already open.

    Another thought that if dealing with the pop-ups were brought into the PocketSense program, it could pace the Money imports (mnyimprt). Upon an upload fail, that particular OFX file could be re-sent.

    Cal Learner

  94. Cal: I haven't had time recently to look closely at the popdown code, but my first thought when I saw it was to add it as a user option in the scripts, with a default = "disabled". I would prefer to check that Money is running via a call to the task list, and abort altogether if it isn't, or even auto-start it. If there's no hurry, I can look into it when I have a bit of silence @ home.

  95. Robert,

    I have a continuing problem with one site, Hewitt Associates. The basic symptom is that I often get an error message from Pocketsense telling me that I have an invalid OFX structure and I should check the file. When this happens, the file is empty. If I retry it again, sometimes the same error occurs, and sometimes it works.

    I don't know Python at all, but I bumbled around the net for a while and inserted a "h.set_debuglevel(1)" to try to see what was going on.

    When it fails with that "OFX structure invalid message", the debug information tells me that I got a "400 Bad Request" reply. I'm not sure why that didn't process as an exception, but it doesn't seem to have done so.

    If I keep on retrying it again and again, sometimes I get a 200 response and all is well, and sometimes I get a 400 response along with the "structure invalid" message.

    Since I have absolutely no idea what I am doing here [smiles], do you have a thought as to what I might try to get this handled?


  96. Harold: Does the 400 Bad Request error occur with any other sites (if you have others), or do you ever see it in a web browser session? The script sends the same request format every time, so a random failure may point to something else happening on you PC. I'm assuming you run a good virus checker, etc., and that the system is up to date (patched)?

    I'll look at adding a more graceful check for initial connection codes, and reporting it better.

  97. No, I never get the 400 code for other sites (and I have a bunch of them), and I don't see it in my browser. I'm running totally current levels of Win7 and AVG.

    I realize that it's totally weird that it only happens sometimes. Could it be something on the other end (like, for example, that their server is busy and not defined to handle lots of parallel traffic)?

    I was wondering if I should try calling them (which is akin to beating my head against a brick wall), or perhaps try checking the return code in the Python code, and if it's a 400, retry it in the code for "n" times (which is what I do manually and it almost always works eventually).

    Am I right that I could get a 400 return code, but the current Pocketsense code doesn't check for that, and only sees a problem when it tries to parse the received file?


  98. The PS code is currently written to capture errors that can't otherwise be handled (i.e., no response at all from the server, timeouts, etc). I don't currently have anything to check for specific server-side errors. Maybe we can add a generic option that says * retry x times if specific server error conditions occur @ connection*, but default that number to zero? That would keep it from happening when a connection never occurs (e.g., server offline, network down, etc.). (?)

  99. Cal,

    A quick question on your Popdown2 routine that will probably expose my complete and total ignorance of Python [smiles]:

    I notice that for all the Pocketsense routines, there seems to be a .pyc file that matches the .py file that contains the Python code. By looking at the file timestamps, I deduce (?) that the .pyc file contains a compiled version of the .py file.

    My question: How come there is no .pyc file for Popdown2?


  100. I searched for this in Google:

    python "no pyc"

    It seems to be because no module imports from

    Cal Learner

  101. I replied incorrectly last night, so I deleted my comment above. Try again...

    The purpose for .pyc files is to speed up the loading of imported modules. Importing "" from "" would create a test.pyc module. If is never imported by another, then test.pyc will not be created (unless it is created explicitly by the user).

  102. Cal & Robert,

    Thanks for your responses. I just wanted to make sure that nothing "bad" was going on because Popdown2 did not have corresponding .pyc module.


    I put in the following code to try to deal with the response code of 400. You will, of course, recognize your original code [s].


    RETRY_INTERVAL = 1 # Retry every n seconds
    RETRY_TIMEOUT = 90 # Max number of seconds to retry

    RetryTime = 0 # seconds already retried

    # urllib doesn't honor user Content-type, use urllib2
    garbage, path = urllib2.splittype(FieldVal(,"url"))
    host, selector = urllib2.splithost(path)

    while RetryTime < RETRY_TIMEOUT:
    errmsg= "** An ERROR occurred attempting HTTPS connection to"
    h = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, timeout=5)

    errmsg= "** An ERROR occurred sending POST request to"
    p = h.request('POST', selector, query,
    {"Content-type": "application/x-ofx",
    "Accept": "*/*, application/x-ofx"}

    errmsg= "** An ERROR occurred retrieving POST response from"
    #allow up to 30 secs for the server response (it has to assemble the statement)

    response = h.getresponse()
    if response.status == 200: # Good response code
    RetryTime = RETRY_TIMEOUT + 1 # Terminate loop
    response =
    f = file(name,"w")
    RetryTime += RETRY_INTERVAL
    print " +Error response from server:", response.status
    except Exception as inst:
    RetryTime = RETRY_TIMEOUT + 1 # Terminate loop
    self.status = False
    print errmsg, host
    print " Exception type:", type(inst)
    print " Exception Val :", inst
    if response:
    print " HTTPS ResponseCode :", response.status
    print " HTTPS ResponseReason:", response.reason

    if h: h.close()


    I know absolutely nothing about Python except what I picked up last night, but from the little that I know, that code seems good to me.

    Naturally, the site I was having trouble with for the last few weeks worked perfectly last night and today. So while I can say that the normal (ie, return code = 200) path in that code works fine, I have been unable to test the error path.

    I did set up a test case of sending in a bad ID and password, to make sure that that did not get stuck in my retry loop. For the institution I tried it with, it worked fine, returning error OFX data, but with a 200 return code. This fit with my conception that the 400 error code was more of a network error (where a retry made sense) as opposed to an application (OFX) error (where a retry would not make sense).

    I think that if I were going to make this code generalized and production-quality, I might consider making the retry time limit specified by institution (and since setting a retry time limit of zero would mean "no retries", that would allow it to be turned off or on for individual institutions), and I might also provide the user with a way to break out of the retry loop by hitting Ctrl-C on the keyboard (presumably the current code would terminate the entire Python script if I hit Ctrl-C, but you would know that better than me).

    I'm leaving my code in the version I run each day, and as soon as I get more test results, I'll post again.


  103. Robert,

    Yikes. I see that the blogging software deletes leading blanks, which are relevant in Python code.

    I'm hoping that you can follow the code snippet the way it ended up in your blog... if you want me to post again with make-believe "end" statements to delineate the sections of code, I will do so.


  104. YIKES!

    I posted a whole long post about code I added to the Pocketsense scripts to deal with the return code of 400, and it disappeared when I posted again right after it!

    Have any idea why?


  105. Cal & Robert,

    Thanks for the info on the .pyc files. I just wondered if I had done something wrong to not get a .pyc version of the Popdown2 file.


    This blog post somehow disappeared after I posted it, but I am going to try to recreate it.

    I only know Python from what I figured out last night, but I made the following changes to your script to try to handle a return code of 400:


    RETRY_INTERVAL = 1 # Retry every n seconds
    RETRY_TIMEOUT = 90 # Max number of seconds to retry

    RetryTime = 0 # seconds already retried

    # urllib doesn't honor user Content-type, use urllib2
    garbage, path = urllib2.splittype(FieldVal(,"url"))
    host, selector = urllib2.splithost(path)

    while RetryTime < RETRY_TIMEOUT:
    errmsg= "** An ERROR occurred attempting HTTPS connection to"
    h = httplib.HTTPSConnection(host, timeout=5)

    errmsg= "** An ERROR occurred sending POST request to"
    p = h.request('POST', selector, query,
    {"Content-type": "application/x-ofx",
    "Accept": "*/*, application/x-ofx"}

    errmsg= "** An ERROR occurred retrieving POST response from"
    #allow up to 30 secs for the server response (it has to assemble the statement)

    response = h.getresponse()
    if response.status == 200: # Good response code
    RetryTime = RETRY_TIMEOUT + 1 # Terminate loop
    response =
    f = file(name,"w")
    RetryTime += RETRY_INTERVAL
    print " +Error response from server:", response.status
    except Exception as inst:
    RetryTime = RETRY_TIMEOUT + 1 # Terminate loop
    self.status = False
    print errmsg, host
    print " Exception type:", type(inst)
    print " Exception Val :", inst
    if response:
    print " HTTPS ResponseCode :", response.status
    print " HTTPS ResponseReason:", response.reason

    if h: h.close()


    I think that this code should handle the return codes that I have been getting. But wouldn't you know that the site that was causing these problems for the last few weeks has been working perfectly last night and today? As a result, I know that the good path (return code = 200) works, but I am so far unable to test the other path. I did send an invalid ID and password to this site to make sure that I still got back a return code of 200, and I indeed did.

    If I were going to put this into a production system, I might consider making it optional by site. I also might consider allowing the loop to be terminated by the user hitting Ctrl-C. As it is, I have the feeling that hitting Ctrl-C would terminate the entire script, and not just the loop, but you will know better than me about that.

    I'll post again as soon as one of my sites generates an error that is handled by this code.


  106. [laughs] SOMETHING is going on.

    I essentially rewrote that long post, and posted it.

    And then it disappeared, too!

    How DO posts get deleted here?


  107. Harold: No clue about the auto-deletes. It happens to me too! For long posts, I write it in Notepad, and paste it in... to be safe.

  108. Harold: It's probably best to send me code via email, rather than here. pocketsense1 //at// gmail //dot// com. I don't check it every day, nor this site, so I may be slow to respond sometimes.

  109. Cal & Robert,

    Thanks for checking out the .pyc thing... I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't doing anything wrong when I noticed that I had no .pyc file for Popdown2 (which is great, btw).


    I'll recreate my post and send it along via email. Thanks!


  110. I am running the May 2011 PocketSense files on the desktop machine doing scheduled downloads. I have been using the Sep 2010 version of PocketSense with my modified

    I decided to change the files on the laptop to May 2011, but add in my scrubber functions for some FIs. I have a problem in that it seems that the value my scrubber writes for DTASOF gets overwritten. The value it is overwritten with seems to be the original DTASOF modified by the timeOffset.

    If my scrubber ran after or before the other action, I could deal with that. It almost seems that the OFX file is being read, my scrubber runs, and then the DTASOF value overwrites what my scrubber wrote.

    Any comments or suggestions? I haven't even figure out where the timeOffset gets used so far. I see it is read out of sites.dat by, but then I see TIMEOFFSET-- which does seem to be referenced elsewhere.

    Cal Learner

  111. I am running the May 2011 PocketSense files on the desktop machine doing scheduled downloads. I had been using the Sep 2010 version of PocketSense with my modified

    I decided to change the files on the laptop to May 2011, but add in my scrubber functions for some FIs. I have a problem in that it seems that the value my scrubber writes for DTASOF gets overwritten. The value it is overwritten with what seems to be the original DTASOF modified by the timeOffset.

    If my scrubber ran after or before the other action, I could deal with that. It seems that the original OFX file is being read, my scrubber runs modifying DTASOF, and then DTASOF gets overwritten. wrote.

    Any comments or suggestions? I haven't even figured out where the timeOffset gets used so far. I see it is read from sites.dat by; I see TIMEOFFSET-- which I don't see referenced elsewhere.

    Cal Learner

  112. My scrubber writes of DTASOF getting overwritten by May 2011 PocketSense code. Comments?

    Longer post disappears.

    Cal Learner.

  113. Deleting of posts worked to my benefit today. I solved my problem. :-)
    Cal Learner

  114. Cal or Robert,

    Rather than go to the trouble of autostarting Money as you mention, I think a better method would be to add a simple routine to Popdown (or Getdata prior to password request) that submits an empty ofx file. That would prompt a query to start Money if it wasn't running and do nothing if it was already running.

  115. A batch file can check for *.lrd existing to see if any Money file is open. It could check for abcd.lrd to see if abcd.mny is open. I do that.

    Cal Learner

  116. I know, this is not the appropiate forum, please forgive me
    I have two bank accounts, EmmigrantDirect and BankofInternet that I have not been able to incorporate into PocketSence. But that's ok as long the banks let me use their Money OFX to export into 'Money'.
    Here is my question: All my accounts show up in my favorite accounts and all transactions import just fine, but I can't figure out how to add those 2 bank accounts into my portfolio manager. any idea?

  117. Gun, bank accounts don't show up in the Portfolio area. If you wanted to work around that, you could make the bank accounts to be the cash accounts of fake investment accounts. I would not do that. Instead, I suggest that you look at reports and create favorite reports to show what you are trying to show. cl

  118. answers disappear.

  119. Portfolio Manager is for investment accounts, not Bank (checking) accounts.

  120. If you wanted to work around that, you could make the bank accounts to be the cash accounts of fake investment accounts. I would not do that. Instead, I suggest that you look at reports and create favorite reports to show what you are trying to show.

    Cal Learner.

  121. Thanks for taking the time.
    All reports work fine, all totals correct, including bank accounts.
    It's just that I prefer to look at the portfolio manager and I thought it would be nice to have everything includet there. Gun

  122. PopDown2 starts but sits waiting at 20 sec. Then it says waiting nn seconds with not money popup found. What else do I need to do?



  123. Then you need to start Money and the GetData script. All PopDown does is auto-acknowledge the imports and errors for you.


  124. Money has an issue with OFX files containing an ampersand (&) in the transaction text. For example, if the name of the Payee is A&B Market, Money will not import the OFX file. If I manually edit the OFX file and remove the "&" and replace it with a "-" or "+" or remove it altogether, the file will import correctly. Can the scrubber script be adapted to remove the ampersand character?

    1. Yes, it is possible. To what extent can you modify code with some help? I guess I should take the fact that you can edit an OFX file as sufficient evidence of ability and motivation.

      I could write a snippet of code that might be worthy of including in general in a later release. It would change any ampersand that is not one of the common allowed sequences, or at least not part of & (I entered the 5-character sequence; lets see how that shows up).

      Cal Learner

    2. OK... I wrote it.

      This modification is to replace any ampersand in the OFX file that
      is not part of a proper escape sequence, with the escaped version of the
      ampersand. That sequence is five characters '&amp;' shown with quotes.
      Note that in posting this, I am doing that same thing to make it come out

      This code is simplified a bit for brevity. To add this mod to your file, find line 23, which is
      ofx = #as-found ofx message

      After that line, add this new line:
      ofx=re.sub(r"&(?!\w+;)", r"&amp;",ofx) # escape singular ampersand

      It is important to have 4 spaces at the start of the new line,
      just as line 23 has 4 leading spaces.

      Cal Learner

    3. Cal

      Thank you very much. Your instructions were very easy to follow. The modification appears to be working very smooth. That along with 'popdown' is making Money very usable again. Only have 3 accounts left that I have to manually download.


  125. Hi

    The default website for uploading the quotes is How can i change that. please help as i want to change the same to


  126. India anonymous:
    Edit your sites.dat file to add the following line:

    Cal Learner

  127. Anyone know how I can get Navy Federal Credit Union accounts to download into money? I can't seem to find any informaion on them.

    1. They appear to offer web access:

      If you want to associate the .qfx extension to OFX files so that
      Money can import it directly, you can create a .reg file named
      qif2ofx.reg. Then web access to .qif files would work the same as
      for .ofx files. That .reg file would contain the 15 lines that are
      between the two demarcation lines:

      ==========begin qif2ofx.reg===============================

      "Content Type"="text/qfx"



      [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\application/x-qfx]

      [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\text/qfx]
      ==========end qif2ofx.reg===============================

      Just run that file after you create it. So thereafter, if you use
      the web etc to bring in a .qif file, it is treated as if it were
      named *.ofx. The Money install associated .ofx with itself.

      If you are also using Quicken, this would probably not be a good
      thing to do.

      Cal Learner

    2. Thanks Cal. I guess there's no way to get PocketSense to do this for me since they only offer web connect.

    3. I think that's a correct assumption. I just checked in the data files that Money used for bank connections, and it shows Yodlee as the data provider for Navy Federal Credit Union. They typically used Yodlee for banks that didn't offer direct OFX transfers.

  128. I made a posting called "Exporting Schedule D Information for US Income Tax to TaxCut or H&R Block At Home" at

    It is not as simple or well-written as I would like, but I think it works. Feel free to comment here or there.

    Cal Learner

  129. I am trying to get the quotes working with Canadian Mutual funds, but so far unsuccessful.
    I have read earlier comments about success and my settings are based on those, but still no luck.
    The script seems to be working for TSX listed stocks like RY.TO, but not for the funds.

    Here is the sites.dat configuration. Am I doing something wrong or Yahoo changed their web site and the YahooScrape does not work anymore?

    QuoteCurrency: CAD
    EnableYahooScrape: Yes
    YahooTimeZone: -5:EST
    ShowQuoteHTM: No
    AskQuoteHTM: Yes

    F0CAN05MYB.TO s:CA:TDB911 #TD International Index-e
    TDUSINDEXE.TO s:CA:TDB902 #TD U.S. Index-e
    F0CAN05MYF.TO s:CA:TDB909 #TD Canadian Bond Index-e
    F0CAN05NJO.TO s:CA:TDB900 #TD Canadian Index-e

    Please, help.

    1. Yes, the format from Yahoo changed. That is the nature of screen scraping. I am working on a patch for you. Maybe later today. Maybe later. Then you should then test it out, and see if it solves the problem for you.

      Cal Learner

  130. I am trying to import historical stock and mutual fund (mf) prices by creating an OFX file, using the quotes__.OFX file as a guide. It appears that every stock and mf price appears twice in the quotes___.OFX file created by PocketSense; once in an INVPOSLIST block and again in a SECLIST block. I'll provide more details, if necessary. Does anyone know why there is this duplication? Perhaps I've got something wrong in my sites.dat?

  131. QUOTES4.ZIP is at

    It has a replacement under a different name, and a txt file. Its purpose is to adjust the screen scraping to changes in how the data is presented by Yahoo server. It worked a few times when I tried it, but back things up first anyway. Report back successes and failures.

    I did not spend a lot of time polishing.

    Regarding the guy making his own OFX files, it's normal. See the specifications at

    Cal Learner

    1. Hi Cal,

      Got an error: NameError: global name 'day' is not defined

      I think on line 247:
      if qdate > tnow: qdate = datetime(yr-1,month,day)

      Should be
      if qdate > tnow: qdate = datetime(yr-1,month,the_day)

      It seems to be working when set as above. Will test more tomorrow.

      Thanks again,

    2. I agree. I uploaded a corrected version at
      and deleted the other link. Thanks for the info.

      I dont't know why I did not get the error message in my limited testing, and I don't know why I did not even when I tried again.

      Cal Learner

    3. Hi Cal,

      Thanks. The new file works, however it gives errors for some quotes like ^DJI, when no month can be found. The error is that variable monthName is referenced before the assignment -> print "the month name is ", monthName #qq

      I added leading spaces after the else: on line 226 until the return csvtxt on line 253. Also removed duplicated lines 229-230 and this fixed the error in case the month is not found. Now the result is the same as the original, displaying that Yahoo returned bad data for symbol ^DJI.

      Thanks again,

    4. Glad you are making progress, and glad you are getting into the code. Feel free to pretty it up too. That is to say, that I am sure that the style could be improved to make the code less opaque. Screen scraping code with regular expressions is not going to be easy to follow, but don't think that I think that my "style" is very good. Then post a copy of that to sendspace or other place, and we can try running the same file. Then Robert will probably incorporate the modifications of the screen scraper at some point. I followed your comments except the part about the duplicated lines at 229-230. It will be more easier if I can compare your file using WinMerge.

      Lines with 'qq' in them are lines that should not be important, and that I intended to remove at some point. They were temporarily useful in checking the values as I tested and fumbled. I chose that string as something that did not occur in normal text or programs.

      I get most of my actual quotes from the incoming OFX.

      Cal Learner

    5. Cal, I am using your code with the small changes above and it works. Thank you for your help.

      Still I may end up using the hleOfxQuotes java program with the Google portfolio as a source, because for some reason Yahoo's TDUSINDEXE.TO quote is not updated since last Aug 30th.
      I see all other Canadian Mutual funds have a new format at Yahoo F0CAN05****, so something is wrong on the Yahoo end for this mutual fund.


    6. OK. I see the problems you describe.

      For ^DJI or INDU, there is not a month and day as you said. What I am thinking is that if I find a price but no date to do one or more of the following -- each fancier than the last:

      0. Put a bogus date that will be rejected by later code
      1. Use today's date from the local timezone.
      2. If the time in my timezone is midnight to 8:30 AM, use yesterday's date.
      3. Use today's date unless it is Saturday or Sunday. In those cases, use the date of the previous Friday.

      What do you think? I guess it would be good to see what the time field contains during the weekend.
      Cal Learner

    7. Latest version of at

      I found that ^DJI and INDU Yahoo quotes sometimes have a date field and sometimes not -- probably dependent on time of day. I think that explains why Vlad got different results than I had gotten. This version just makes the other software reject the no-date quote as Vlad's modification does. Later it might be useful to use the date of now or the date of the latest market close when no date is supplied. However just rejecting the quote may be best. That way, the quotes could be fetched later, and if the date is available then the data would be supplied.

    8. Thanks for the Y! "screen scrape" update Cal! I haven't looked at it (figured I'd wait to see if you needed more updates). Regarding missing dates, my vote is to skip any quote that is missing data. If the data is malformed, then I don't trust the parts received. This seems to be happening with the DJ index, which isn't a "fund" anyways (i.e., it can't be owned in an account). If someone wishes to track indexes inside Money (?), another way may be to track a DJ index fund. It isn't "perfect", but it should be close.

    9. Cal,

      I just tried your version of and won't run, so I've reverted back to Robert's. I run the windows version of Python and I infer that you run the DOS version as you state "3. Run setup or Getdata as usual. To test with setup, enter 6 6 Y each time."

      I'm not sure what you mean by this statement, but in Windows the screen just disappears.

  132. Cal,

    I just figured out what you mean by "To test with setup, enter 6 6 Y each time." I've always used option 7 and selected Quotes. Anyways, doesn't get along with your using the Windows version of Python.


    1. What symptom? Note that you can set up a command window to allow copying to the clipboard if there is an error or debug message that you might want to paste into a post. Do that by clicking the icon at the top left of the command window, and choosing Properties. On the Options tab, tick both Edit options. While there, increase buffer size to let you look back farther. Then to copy something from the command window, select a block of text by dragging while holding down the mouse left button, release, and right-click.

      When I enter "python" into a command window, I get this:
      "ActivePython (ActiveState Software Inc.) based on
      Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Jul 4 2010, 21:05:58) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32"

      Cal Learner

      I am using 32-bit Windows 7.

      Here is the bottom of the sites.dat that I was using for the testing:

      YahooURL: # Alternate site for quotes. Default =
      QuoteCurrency: CAD # Currency for quotes. Default = USD
      EnableYahooScrape: Yes # Try a screen scrape if the primary Yahoo csv interface fails
      YahooTimeZone: -5:EST # Timezone rule for the Yahoo server (default = -5:EST)
      ShowQuoteHTM: No # Always show quotes.htm from Getdata
      AskQuoteHTM: Yes # Ask to show quotes.htm from Getdata (overrides ShowQuoteHTM)

      #--- indexes ---
      INDU #Dow Jones Industrial Avg.
      F0CAN05MYB.TO s:CA:TDB911 #TD International Index-e
      ^DJI #DJIA
      ^GSPC #S&P 500 and
      ^IXIC #NASDAQ Composite
      BP.L m:0.01 s:BP #BP @ London stock exchange (quotes = pennies)
      # m:0.01 = multiply quote by 0.01 (convert from pennies to pounds *example*).
      # s:BP = Send symbol BP to Money, rather than BP.L
      #--- stocks ---
      GOOG #Google
      YHOO #Yahoo!

      #--- Currencies ---
      EURUSD=X #Euro to US Dollar
      USDJPY=X #USD to Japanese Yen

      MBFIX #Wells fargo total return bond I
      AGTHX #Growth fund of america
      TDUSINDEXE.TO s:TDUSIND #testing....


    2. When I enter "python" into a command window, I get this:
      "ActivePython (ActiveState Software Inc.) based on
      Python 2.6.5 (r265:79063, Jul 4 2010, 21:05:58) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32"

      I am using 32-bit Windows 7.

      Note that you can set up a command window to allow copying to the clipboard if there is an error or debug message that you might want to paste into a post. Do that by clicking the icon at the top left of the command window, and choosing Properties. On the Options tab, tick both Edit options. While there, increase buffer size to let you look back farther. Then to copy something from the command window, select a block of text by dragging while holding down the mouse left button, release, and right-click.

      Cal Learner

  133. Hi, is there a way to update the upcoming bill amount in the bills summary using OFX?

  134. By the end of this month, you'll want to insure you are no longer using QWIN appver 1800. I think most everyone should be using appver 1900 (which is Quicken 2011) - the default value that is specified in "", and in fact I've switched mine to 2100 (Quicken 2012) today, prompted by errors I've been getting on Discover OFX requests the past few days. It turns out that had no effect, but by April 30, 2013 that change will be required anyways.

    Is anyone else getting the message "invalid OFX message structure" from Discover? It takes about 3 tries now before I get a successful data return. Hopefully it is just a temporary issue.

  135. Hi Dan. I just checked, and received the same error. The error being returned from Discover is a generic "Internal Server Error". It was working fine yesterday, so hopefully it's just a server glitch. I'll wait a day or two before getting too curious. Nothing in the error indicates a malformed request.

  136. Hi, has anyone experienced the following error?

    >ERRORPlease verify your identity at to proceed for downloads.<

    Until May 7th this bank worked fine. It seems now you have to go to verify your idnentity and then dowload to Quicken within 30 minutes. I tried my account on and it works fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  137. I don't use Ameriprise, but I would think you would go to , enter your username and password. Then in PocketSense, run your Did you try that?

    Cal Learner

    1. Yes, that is the first thing I tried. When I do that I get this error: >ERRORAmeriprise Financial is unable to fulfill your request at this time. Please try again later.<. I have Moneydance and they are having similiar issues, so I opened a trouble ticket with them.


    2. I don't use Ameriprise, but would be curious to know what the Moneydance community figures out. If they're passing a security token to Quicken, then that would be proprietary (and encrypted). If they're simply validating the host IP, like many banks do now, then it should work with the scripts and Moneydance. Maybe they're looking for a specific Quicken appID value? If it's a newly added (proprietary) handshake, then it violates the OFX standard, and there's not much we can do.

  138. I'm using Pocket Sense to download stock and index quotes to Microsoft Money Sunset edition, and it works great. I'd like to include the Dow Jones Industrials Index, but none of the many tickers I've tried works. If you have it, please post. Thanks.

  139. The primary fetch for the quote in csv format fails, so the tries the screen scraping function. That fails also, because the format differs from the pattern the screen scrape functions looks for.

    I am looking at making a modified screen scraping function, but I want to make sure that the market-closed format is compatible. I did my initial testing on this problem during market-open time.

    Cal Learner

  140. Has anyone else had trouble downloading transactions from Schwab Bank lately? For about the last two weeks, I've been getting error code 2000 (General error) when I try to download. Otherwise, this same account was downloading fine since February.
    <MESSAGE>General error
    My sites.dat file is set up like specified here:

    1. Update: I spoke with Schwab technical support this afternoon. They indicated that they recently changed from an OFX server to a .NET server and had several people call with problems since then. For Quicken users, removing the dashes from the account number resolved the problem. I tried the same thing with PocketSense and now I'm back in business.

  141. Back in April of 2011 I had posted about issues with 401(k) downloads. The symptom was that the OFX file had all the individual buy transactions, but Money was ignoring them. What was strange is that this had previously worked (both when Money was downloading directly and through Pocketsense). This happened with both T.Rowe Price and Fidelity 401(k)s. I had not had time to debug, and had resorted to entering most transactions manually. Recently this had become a pain, as I had payments to a 401(k) loan an thus with each contribution there were 3 transactions (contribution, loan interest, loan principal). This finally convinced me to go back and look at the problem.

    Fortunately, just before Money stopped downloading, I had saved all of the OFX log files it had generated (I forget how I did it). Fundamentally, these are just the raw OFX file, but with an extension of text. I renamed the file and tried entering it into a virgin Money file - and it worked! Using the very nice "OFX formatter" utility someone (Cal?) had pointed out I reformatted the Money log files and the latest OFX downloads. Obviously, dates, IDs, and amounts were different, but there was enough similarity to quickly recognize any issues.

    And indeed there was an issue!! Each investment transaction has three fields related to the amount: and Now one would think that Total=Units*UnitPrice. ***HOWEVER*** much to my surprise in the old OFX logs, the TOTAL field was NEGATIVE. I suppose it could be because it is a "negative" flow out of a cash account, although dividend reinvestment show the same negative sign. With this in hand, I took a recent downloaded OFX and did a global replace of with - (Note the minus sign. Bingo! Money processed the file and all its transactions. Now, I just need to write a scrubber of some sort to do this automatically (helped appreciated).

    On a related note, since I had 8+ months to catch up on, I downloaded 8 months worth of transactions (roughly 350+ transactions). BAD IDEA. Money ingested the file and crashed. From that point on, every time I opened the file, Money crashed. Tried a backup - Money crashed. Deleted the actual file - Money crashed. Tried opening sample.mny - Money crashed. Rebooted - Money crashed. Finally had to uninstall and reinstall Money and that solved the problem.

    Hopefully my trials and tribulations will be of helped to someone.

    1. Good to hear Carlos, but I'm a little confused. Looking at investment downloads from Vanguard, the TOTAL field is always negative for buy transactions (amount and price are positive), but I don't know how sale transactions appear (I don't currently have any to check). It sounds like T. Rowe Price and Fidelity are doing something differently w/ their OFX downloads. Is this peculiar to 401K accounts only, or all investment accounts with them? I'm assuming that the sites.dat entry shows a INVSTMT type account for the 401k, but do you have any non-401k accounts at the same brokers that work?

      Thanks for sharing your effort.

  142. Robert,
    I will have to look some more to see I discern any patterns. I do have both accounts as INVSTMT. Unfortunately I don't have any other accounts at T.Rowe Price, and Fidelity 401(k)s are handled by "" rather than "" so it is a different server. I think something changed on their end. Upon further inspection I found one other strange thing. It used to be that when I downloaded from TRP I would get two sets of transactions: the deposits into the cash account, and then the buy transactions to the investment account. I have confirmed that this was the case when MS$ was still downloading (again since I have the old log files). I _think_ that it was also the case when the pocketsense downloads where still working, based on which transactions show up as "E"s in money. The new downloads though, don't have the cash account deposits, and have the positive field. I don't really care about the cash deposits (since those are in my automatic bills, and always the same amount). All I care is about the buy transactions - which is why I'm thinking of just writing a quick scrubber.

  143. This comment has been removed by the author.

  144. Do you have any plans to add support for CLIENTUID into the scripts. One of my banks require it, along with OFX version 103.

    I have made a patch like fix that is working for me. It would be nice to not have it hard coded in the file.

    As far as I can tell, this is simply an authentication step for some banks, where it uses the Client UID, to identify that the same client is requesting data every time. So an option to define it in the sites.dat would be nice.


    1. I really haven't looked at it before, but I did a quick search to learn a little more. It appears the the ClientUID parameter is indeed another level of security, and basically acts as another password to identify the client instance. What isn't clear, is whether this value is provided by the bank or is self-created and registered by the client. According to some discussions, the client should be able to create this value, but I'm not sure how that would provide any extra user/account security. If the server (bank) provides the value, then it makes sense. It also appears that this parameter requires the OFX version id to be 103 (as you mentioned), or more accuratly... that an OFX connection using version 103 requires the ClientUID parameter.

      Since I don't use a ClientUID for any of my accounts, I would need to know how it's actually being used. Is the bank providing the value as a static parameter, or is it being "made up" and handed to the server?

    2. I am using a static entry for it from the client. I handled it by adding a configuration field to site.dat. Then if that field is defined, it changes the header to 103 and supplies the provided CLIENTUID to the BANK. From what I can tell, it is generated by the client and provided to the bank. If you would like, I can provide my code to you.

      I am using PocketSense with a budget program called YNAB. I have made some changes to the program to make it work more smoothly with YNAB. So my code actually has quite a few changes to it.

      However, here is the overview of my changes.

      There is also a bug in the code. If you are downloading multiple accounts from the same bank, and the download goes fast enough, the program may generate the same file name for both files. I fixed it by putting the last 5 characters of the account number in the file name.

      Added a question in to ask for the number of days to retrieve. It defaults to default number of days in site.dat

      added code to combine all of the OFX files before sending to YNAB. This improves YNABs handling of all of the imports.


    3. Also, Thank you for all of your work on this. PocketSense is a great tool for automating the download of OFX.

    4. Thanks James. I'd like to stick w/ the CLIENTUID issue to begin with, so I'd like to clarify. It sounds like you "made up" the value, and pass it to the bank during connection (?). I've read that some banks provide a hex number, but it doesn't sound like you needed to do that. Did the value need to have any particular format (hex? length? bit pattern?). If you'd rather, you can send messages directly to pocketsense1 /at/ gmail /dot/ com. I've been slow to keep up w/ this for a good while now, as I've been (and continue to be) swamped in my job and family life, but this (plus a few other odds and ends) will be worthwhile updates I think.

  145. Has anyone got Bank of America to work? I have tried all 4 of the FID/URL links, and on setup and testing the connection I get one of two error messages. If anyone has successfully downloaded BOA bank statements, please reply to this.

    Error mesaage 1
    MESSAGE:The product which you are using is not enabled. Please call customer service at 1.800.933.6262 for assistance.
    Error message 2
    MESSAGE:Bank of America has completed a planned systems update for accounts opened in California. Please visit for detailed instructions on how to update your settings and avoid service interruptions.


    1. I've been using BoA for years with Money, and for almost two years with the Pocketsense scripts. So the good news is that it works. The bad news is I don't recall if I ever "enabled the product" since it has been so long. I have a Maryland based account with both checking and credit card. I use the same log-in as I do for the web site - although obviously without the site challenge.

      Here's the portion of the entry from my sites.dat file (both credit card and checking are identical, except that credit card has a blank "bankid"):

      fiorg : HAN
      fid : 6812
      url :
      bankid : 052001633
      brokerid :
      appid : Money
      appver : 1600

  146. I don't know if folks keep up here much, but I've recently made a few changes to the scripts. The updates are in response to various requests over the past year, but James lit the candle when he asked about support for OFX version 103. The changes he had made for himself gave me the urge to revisit some work I had done last year regarding combining OFX files prior to sending to Money. It wasn't as straightforward as I originally hoped, so I had dropped it. After some poking and prodding, I think I have a working method now. I have posted a beta version with the following changes, should anyone want to test it.

    - Support for OFX 103 and ClientUID parameters. The ClientUID is defined by site entry in sites.dat, and the ClientUID value is automatically created, and saved back into sites.dat as a static UID value.
    - New sites.dat option named "promptInterval". If defined to "Yes", the user is prompted for the download interval (days) as an override to the global default and site minimum values defined in sites.dat. (default=No)
    - New sites.dat option named CombineOFX. If defined as "Yes", ofx statement files are combined into one file prior to sending to Money. Default=No. I have tested this with my own accounts, but it took a bit of experimenting to find the right way/sequence of combining things.

    The beta (test) version can be downloaded at The sites.template file has placeholders and instructions for the new parameters.

    I still need to revisit some notes that Cal sent previously regarding replacing with in statements, and a special adjustment for Fidelity dates (iirc).

  147. Thanks so much for posting Robert. I was going to ask you to incorporate the popdown2 script, but it won't be necessary if the ofx files are combined. My first run of the beta scripts seemed fine, but since I had already run the official scripts today, there were no additions, so I'll let you know tomorrow. Also, could you take the error part of the response to the download interval prompt out? I plan on just hitting return most of the time (to accept the default) rather than inputting "7".


    1. New Beta scripts running fine here. Don't know about the 103 files since I do not have any. I did my usual incorporating of the "popdown" with a flag in sites.dat and it's working also.


    2. Oops... the error message wasn't a "feature", it was a bug. Thanks Dan! I have the prompt option disabled on mine, so I must have changed something between first testing and posting it. Beta updated.

  148. Hi all - running Windows 8 and there is a oft reported Money crash when running win 8 and money when downloading data. I tried running Money in a Virtual Machine of Win 7 but now can't access using Pocketsense as I'm getting Socket.Timeout errors.
    Any ideas how to solve?

  149. I can't believe how much smoother the combined OFX file is processed vs. individually. Like the old days when Microsoft servers handled the downloads. The revised beta is working well for me.


    1. Loaded in the latest Beta. Yes the combined OFX is much faster, unfortunately more than half of the accounts are missing.

      I have five accounts: 2 - Credit Cards, 2 - Bank Accounts, one 401K. The combined file had the 401K and one credit card, that's it. I do have downloads for all five accounts.

      I noticed the same omissions on the Beta from Aug 23 and the latest from Aug 27.


    2. That's not good. Are you saying that the combined ofx file is missing transactions that do exist in the individual account files? The "combiner" routine will not import null ofx files (i.e., files that don't have statement sections in them). If you open the individual account file, does it import anything? Let me know, and I'll dig a little deeper tonight.

    3. Just finished doing some more digging.

      This is what I found.
      If the original downloaded file from the bank or credit card company has cr/lf ( 0x0D 0x0A ) characters between the "OFX /OFX tags", then the file is ignored. If it is straight data (ie no line terminators), then the file is included in the combined OFX.

      That is the only difference that I can see right now.


    4. Definite bug. Fixed (I think). Beta updated.

  150. I forgot to mention a new parameter in sites.dat for the last upload (w/ the ofx cr/lf bug fix). The name is quietSrub, and if "Yes", will suppress the scrubber messages. I don't see a reason to suppress them myself, but there's probably not much reason to see them either. Default=No.

  151. Not sure if I messed something up, but if I use the newest Beta I get the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\DOS\OFX_Beta\", line 118, in
    cfile=combineOfx(ofxList) #create combined file
    File "C:\DOS\OFX_Beta\", line 280, in combineOfx
    bantrn, crdtrn, invtrn, sectrn, ''])
    TypeError: sequence item 3: expected string, tuple found

    If I replace with the previous version, There is NO error ( of course the file is bad with the OFX cr/lf bug, but it does not crash.


  152. FYI Robert

    I just downloaded and reloaded the scripts keeping only my sites.dat and ofx_config.cfg files. I then ran Setup and Getdata. The files downloaded fine.

    Then I changed sites.dat to enable combineofx, ran Setup and Getdata again. This time I got the same error listed in a previous message.


    1. Do you think replacing
      ofx = ofx.replace("\n","")

      would work? It does not crash. No more time to test tonight.


    2. Thanks Ray. Beta updated... try again. I can only imagine that some files aren't using the exact cr/lf sequence. Unix/Linux/etc doesn't necessarily use cr/lf (may only use LF), so that's a guess. The regex requires a flattened input string w/ no terminators. If this doesn't work, then there's something different that we need to figure out. BTW, I have one account that uses cr/lf that didn't work in the first version, but worked on the last and this one. I missed it at first, since it doesn't have any recent transactions.

      If anyone is using a bank account, can you verify that BANKMSGSRSV1 is used to start a statement? I don't have any, so I used what I found from a search. Need to verify...

  153. Robert,

    I have a bank checking account and the lines following the SIGNONMSGSRSV1 section is BANKMSGSRSV1 and then STMTTRNRS.


  154. Just ran the latest beta using the combine option, and it craps out, so I'll have to await the next revision I guess.

  155. Running the new Beta I get the following error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\DOS\OFX_Beta\", line 118, in
    cfile=combineOfx(ofxList) #create combined file
    File "C:\DOS\OFX_Beta\", line 299, in combineOfx
    bantrn, crdtrn, invtrn, sectrn, ''])
    TypeError: sequence item 3: expected string, tuple found

    If I replace the lines:
    ofx = ofx.replace(chr(13),"") #remove CRs
    ofx = ofx.replace(chr(10),"") #remove LFs


    idxofx = ofx.find(str1)
    str3 = str3.replace(chr(13),"") #remove CRs
    str3 = str3.replace(chr(10),"") #remove LFs

    I get the same error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\DOS\OFX_Beta\", line 118, in
    cfile=combineOfx(ofxList) #create combined file
    File "C:\DOS\OFX_Beta\", line 299, in combineOfx
    bantrn, crdtrn, invtrn, sectrn, ''])
    TypeError: sequence item 3: expected string, tuple found

    Looks like removing the cr/lf includes a file in the combineofx, but must be uncovering another error.

    Hope all this makes sense to you.


  156. I had that error while editing another part of the combine function this morning, but thought I'd fixed it. The error shows line 299, but the most recent version of rlib1 only has 288 lines. Hmmm (?)... it's as if my previous upload didn't replace the bad one (or I didn't do it right). Uploaded again, and am really curious.

  157. Sorry about the line numbers. I added a few lines of trouble shooting info, just go by the line contents.


  158. With the latest date 8/29/12 6:01 PM

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:\DOS\OFX_Beta\", line 132, in
    cfile=combineOfx(ofxList) #create combined file
    File "C:\DOS\OFX_Beta\", line 281, in combineOfx
    bantrn, crdtrn, invtrn, sectrn, ''])
    TypeError: sequence item 3: expected string, tuple found

    Something about this statement:

    combOfx = '\n'.join([OfxSGMLHeader(),
    '', signon,
    bantrn, crdtrn, invtrn, sectrn, ''])


  159. FINALLY I think I found it.

    The line:
    if bantrn: bantrn = OfxTag('BANKMSGSRSV1\n', bantrn)

    has a comma at the end. Removed it and the file created without error. You still have to remove cr/lf.

    I will test further to see if it actually works.


    1. I think you found it Ray. I don't have a bank statement download, so mine would have skipped that line (i.e., bantrn is always null for me). Beta updated... again. Thanks!

  160. That's good that your bank has an OFX server for you. I have to use the web to download an OFX for the bank. I will try to find that if I switch banks at some point. Credit cards and brokers with OFX servers are more common.
    Cal Learner.

  161. Good eye Ray.

    I tried to find something out of place with no success. Yes, the beta works great now!! All of my accounts were in the combined OFX file, including my bank (PNC).

